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I am delighted to announce the publication of the catalogue:

“Regal adornments: Jewelry from the Tibetan Empire (7th-9th centuries) to the spiritual reign of the Dalai Lamas (17th-19th centuries).” 

which will accompany the next Tenzing Asian Art’s exhibition at TEFAF Maastricht. 

I was thrilled to research and write this book on a rare and under-researched subject. Working alongside Jane Casey who wrote the foreword has been very inspiring.

We look forward to introducing these exquisite adornments, studied in the catalogue, at TEFAF Maastricht from 15-20 March, stand 200.

Renaud Montméat has been present on the international Asian art market for more than 20 years. After running a gallery in Paris dedicated to the arts of India, the Himalayas and South-East Asia, he has participated in numerous international exhibitions in London, Paris, Brussels and New York.
Today, the Renaud Montméat expertise firm offers you its services of estimation and advice in order to sell or buy Asian works of art.

Affiliated to The Asian Art Society
The Asian Art Society
Affiliated to CINOA - International Federation of Art and Antique Dealer Associations
Affiliated to CNES - Chambre Nationale des Experts Spécialisés
Affiliated to SNA - Syndicat National des Antiquaires